Author Archives: ortongillindev

The Institute for Multi-Sensory Education

IMSE’s mission is to empower districts, schools, teachers, and parents to be agents of change toward equitable literacy instruction for all learners that is driven by research.

The Orton-Gillingham Approach:

What Is It? Is it Research Based?

The Identification of Specific Learning Disabilities:

A Summary of Research on Best Practices

Teaching Reading is Rocket Science:

What Expert Teachers of Reading Should Know and Be Able to Do

Structured Literacy and Typical Literacy Practices:

Understanding Differences to Create Instructional Opportunities

Put Reading First:

The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read

Orton-Gillingham Methodology for Students With Disabilities:

30 Years of Case Law

What Does Science Say About Orton-Gillingham Interventions?

An Explanation and Commentary on the Stevens et al. (2021) Meta-Analysis

Teaching Children to Read:

An Evidence Based Assessment of the Scientific Research Literature on Reading and its Implications for Reading Instruction

Dyslexia in the Classroom:

What Every Teacher Needs to Know